Hello & welcome !

Hello & welcome !

As a musician, I've been lucky to play great concerts under great conductors within a variety of symphonic orchestras. Today, with the easier sharing possibilities offered by internet and some dedicated groups, I undertake to collect back my aural memories !

Most of these concerts were broadcast on radio or TV. If you have a recording of any of the concerts listed here, I would be happy to hear from you (through the "Contact" link).

Thank you for your time !

- You can use the "tags" to help you navigate through the list (which includes as you'll notice, all concerts of the Gustav Mahler JugendOrchester between 1999 and 2003…).

- Concert tours, repeating the same repertoire with the same performers in different cities, have been grouped in one article each, for easier reading.

- Broadcast details have been included whenever possible (click on each title to display).

At the moment, this website is only a list of performances. I will share the recordings I already have on dedicated web-groups.

Warmest thanks for your help in my "quest" !